Чекор по чекор - доделување стипендии за деца со попреченост


Projektin “Bëhu IN, bëhu INkluziv, bëhu i githëpërfshirë” e realizon Fondacioni për Iniciativa Arsimore dhe Kulturore “Hap pas Hapi” bashkë me partnerët e vet Shoqata për Promovim dhe Zhvillim të Shoqërisë Gjithpërfshirëse “Inkluziva” dhe Shoqata për Ofrim të Shërbimeve Personave me Aftësi të Kufizuar “Handimak”. Projekti është i realizuar në bashkëpunim me Ministrinë për Arsim…

Mentorship Training in the Municipality of Brvenica

Mentorship Training in the Municipality of Brvenica

In the frame of the USAID Persons with Disabilities Internship and Employment Project, Handimak  organized training for mentors of the companies to be able to recognize, value and properly utilize the contribution of Persons with Disabilities can make for their companies. The overall objective of the project is to increase the participation of persons with…

Trainings in Struga for Persons with Disabilities

Trainings in Struga for Persons with Disabilities

Two successful trainings on “Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities” within the USAID Persons with Disabilities Internship and Employment Project took place last week (February 11th and February 12th) in Struga. Fourteen participants with different types of disabilities gained practical skills on how to develop а successful CV and motivational letter, and were also…

Training in Kichevo for persons with disabilities

Training in Kichevo for persons with disabilities

Another successful training on “Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities” within the USAID Persons with Disabilities Internship and Employment Project took place on December 25th 2014 in Kicevo. Sixteen participants with different types of disabilities gained practical skills on how to develop а successful CV and motivational letter, and were also introduced to the…

Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities

Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities

Training for students with disabilities in SEEU Career Center in Tetovo Another successful training on “Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities” within the USAID Persons with Disabilities Internship and Employment Project, took place on December 12, 2014 in cooperation with Career Center. Four participants, students with different types of disabilities, gained practical skills on…

Training in Debar for persons with disabilities

Training in Debar for persons with disabilities

Another successful training on “Job Search Strategies for Persons with Disabilities” within the USAID Persons with Disabilities Internship and Employment Project took place on November 27th, 2014. Twelve participants with different types of disabilities gained practical skills on how to develop а successful CV and motivational letter and were also introduced to the job interview…

Learning through work

Learning through work

PART 1 The last successful training from this cycle of the USAID’s project “To enhance the employability skills of youth with disabilities” was held on 21st – 22nd November on Stip. 28 teachers from different vocational High Schools from Stip and Strumica were trained on this training. PART 2 The fourth training of the USAID’s…