Look at me project


With the support of Handicap International, HANDICAP Tetovo in partnership with Association of persons with disabilities SHPRESA and Association of Women AUREOLA from Struga has implemented project that aimed to raise public awareness about disabilities – the regional campaign for socialization of people with disabilities in Macedonia.

This campaign was realized through the street theatre that was prepared by an artist- scenarist who also trained two other actors to play their role. The scenario was a summary of the problems and needs that people with disabilities face daily; so, these problems were presented in front of the wider public. Artistic presentation of the problems and needs of this group of people is a new way to address public opinion.

LOOK AT ME project picture: speaker in front of many kids

Achieved results

  • Inclusion of population and students that followed street theatre in three cities;
  • Informing persons with disability and their parents for the existed legislation about persons with a disability;
  • Creating a positive atmosphere (students and teachers of public schools) for the students with disability transferred from the special school into the public schools (the process of inclusion in Macedonia);

This project was supported by Handicap International and implemented in 2004 with a duration of six months and with a total budget of 9.786 Euro.